HOPE FOR ALZHEIMER AND DEMENTIA DISEASE As we age, there is an unspoken acceptance of failing health. Some can be attributed to dying cells in the body, some are caused by diseases that had been left untreated over decades. I must tell you, that the most terrible challenges faced by senior citizens are Alzheimer's Disease and the battle to overcome Dementia. It is a struggle to forget your house keys, loved ones, recent events, conversations, children’s birthdays, and marriage anniversary. These memories are actually the makeup of our lives. Most people watch their loved ones gradually begin to forget about them, lost their way home, and might get knocked down. We have often asked: what can be done? How do we get it done and what hope is there for them? Can they be cured? and how do we give them full hope again free from Alzheimer's and Dementia? If you have ever asked these questions, I am here to tell you that there is hope! Yes, there is a cure through natural herb...